
Local SEO Gold Coast.

At Five by Five, we proudly offer our award-winning Local SEO services on the Gold Coast. With nearly two decades of experience and hundreds of campaigns delivered with out-of-this-world results, we are one of Australia’s leading (and highest-rated!) SEO agencies, here to help you become go-to choice in your area.

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The Gold Coast’s Local SEO Experts

Are you noticing that your business doesn’t stand out to local customers on the Gold Coast as much as you’d like? 

Have you invested in marketing and advertising in the past, but struggled to achieve a positive ROI?

Do you want to get rid of the immense stress that comes from chasing new business every day just to make ends meet?

It’s time to sharpen your online presence with Local SEO.

At Five by Five, our custom-built strategies ensure your website is optimised to attract and convert local customers, driving more traffic through your digital door and generating valuable leads for your business. 

We connect you with your ideal clients, making sure you’re the first choice in your community for anyone searching for your services. You get real, measurable results with our expert Local SEO support, and can rest easy knowing all you have to worry about is welcoming in the abundance of new leads and enquiries.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you grow your business, give us a call on 1300 554 867 or sign up for a free SEO audit.

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is the process of making your business highly visible in local search results. It’s about getting in front of the right people at the right time – making sure your business is front and centre for your dream clients when they are actively searching for your services in the city or area you operate in. 

Local search queries typically include local intent or a specific geographic area (eg. searching for a local cafe in your suburb, or a law firm in your city).

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Why is Local SEO important?

With 78% of local searches leading to a direct purchase within 24 hours, ranking at the top of search engine results and appearing as the top listing on online maps is one of the best ways to reach your target audience and drive real, long-term growth for your business.

Our unwavering focus as your digital partner is to create a seamless path from searching to booking for your local customers.

Visibility is one thing, but it’s another entirely to actually be able to capitalise on having all those new eyes on your business and turn that attention into a tsunami of new leads and clients! We ensure every part of your website and its content is optimised for engagement and conversion so that your ideal clients can easily find you and choose you.

/ What's involved in your results-driven SEO strategy?

Why choose Five by Five as your Local SEO Agency?

Choosing Five by Five for your local SEO needs means partnering with a team that not only understands the Gold Coast market but also excels at turning that understanding into tangible results.

Here’s how our approach stands out:


Proven Track Record

We have a history of success (and we’re not afraid to brag about it!). Our clients were businesses just like yours – struggling to build an effective online presence and feeling stressed by the lack of quality leads coming in each week. With our expert support and a curated strategy that aligned with their growth goals, those same businesses are now thriving as leaders in their industry with more leads and new clients than they know what to do with!


Customised Strategies

There is no one-size-fits-all solution in SEO. Your industry, your niche, your point of difference, your business model and service offerings, even your customers – these are all unique. So, your search marketing should be too. We craft personalised SEO strategies based on your specific business goals and the unique characteristics of your target audience so that you can attract exactly the right type of client that is a fit for how you operate, who you help, and how you want to scale


Expert Team

Our team is composed of seasoned specialists in search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimisation (SEO), each with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in digital marketing.

Each member of our SEO crew is dedicated to staying ahead of the curve in search trends and optimisation techniques, ensuring the best possible outcomes for your business.


Transparent Reporting

We pride ourselves on maintaining open lines of communication with our clients, and being just a phone call or email away when you have a question, concern or idea! You’ll also receive regular, detailed reports that show you the key metrics we’re tracking to measure your success, what we’ve achieved for your business and also where we’re headed together. It’s really important to us that you feel empowered by your marketing, so we do whatever we can to make sure this is the case (whether that means working closely with you, or taking the reigns while you enjoy having some time back!). 


Ethical SEO Practices

Long-term success that’s resistant to algorithm changes and penalties? Big yes. We adhere strictly to Google’s guidelines and employ only white-hat SEO techniques to build you a solid and sustainable online presence that doesn’t rely on quick hacks or gimmicks.

By choosing Five by Five, you are ensuring that your local SEO is handled by experts who are committed to achieving your marketing objectives and boosting your visibility within your local community.

A proven recipe for digital marketing success.

Let's kick-start this baby!

Get a FREE SEO Audit today to discover your growth potential

Get a free SEO audit for your website

Want a quick SEO health check? A snapshot of how your website is currently performing? Alright, twist our arm… How about tailored recommendations from our expert SEO strategists to get you on your way to digital domination?

Register for a free SEO audit today to see how your website stacks up in search!

You’ll receive a report with an overview of your site’s SEO health, and a score for four key metrics we use to assess performance. Our savvy strategists will provide suggestions for what you can implement straight away, to start improving your online visibility and driving more traffic to your website.

Don’t miss out on this chance to gain a competitive edge — get your free SEO audit now and start growing your online presence!

Meet your new SEO team

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A proven recipe for
digital marketing success.

/ Local SEO FAQs

The time it takes to see results from Local SEO can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the competitiveness of your industry and the current state of your online presence. Generally, you can start seeing improvements within a couple of months, but SEO is best looked at as a long-term strategy for digital domination!

Local SEO is beneficial for almost any business that serves a specific geographic area. If you’re a local service provider, professional service provider, retail store or boutique brand, or hospitality business, local SEO should be a major part of your marketing strategy.

Local citations are mentions of your business name, address, and phone number on other websites. They are crucial for Local SEO because they help to establish the credibility and authenticity of your business, which in turn improves your local search rankings.

Mobile optimisation is vital for Local SEO because it ensures your website is accessible and user-friendly on mobile devices! Since a significant portion of local searches are performed on smartphones, a mobile-optimised site is more likely to engage users and convert local traffic. At Five by Five, we ensure all of our content is optimised for both mobile and desktop.

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