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SEO Audit

Get a free SEO audit for your website, and see what tweaks you can make today to get more traffic to your website.

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Let’s work together to get your website singing to the Google Gods 🪄

If your website isn’t ranking within the top three results on Google, you may as well be setting your money on fire. 

On average, the top-ranking Google search results see a click-through rate of 22.4%, while websites appearing as the 10th result get just 2.3% of clicks.

Visibility is king in digital marketing, and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is how you get your website (and therefore your business) in front of ready-to-buy consumers who are actively searching for the products or services you offer.

Whether you’re a small business, a startup, or an established company, optimising your website for search is a fundamental part of digital success, and now, we’re making it easy for you to check that you’re on the right track.

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What’s included in our free SEO Audit

Our comprehensive FREE SEO Audit is designed to pinpoint exactly what updates or changes you need to make to your website to start ranking at the top of search results, generating more traffic, and ultimately converting more visitors into paying customers.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Low-hanging fruit

We’ll highlight quick wins that can immediately improve your site’s performance and search ranking.

Suggested improvements

Receive tailored recommendations on how to enhance your website structure, content, and user experience.

Expert guidance

Learn how Five by Five can assist in implementing these changes effectively for long-term SEO success.

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How to book your free SEO Audit


Fill in your details below to share the basic info need to know about your business and your existing website.


Sit back and relax while our SEO specialists take a look at your site and analyse how your SEO stacks up against your competitors.


Receive your personalised SEO Audit Report and jump on a quick call with one of our digital strategists for a walkthrough of our findings and tailored suggestions for how to improve your website’s performance.

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