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Popping the Hood on our Digital Marketing Strategy for 2023

12:00pm AUS
Jon Hollenberg
Five by Five
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A proven recipe for digital marketing success.

It is a new year bursting with change and opportunities – opportunities for a killer digital marketing strategy. If it makes you feel overwhelmed, don’t worry, we’ve got ya!

We’re ready to tackle the year and squeeze out all it has to offer. To do that, we’ve set our intention and winning digital marketing strategy for the year.

In true Five by Five style, we want to succeed with others and take you on the journey with us. We’re sharing our intention and digital marketing strategy for the year so you can use them to help inform your initiatives, strategies and plans. 

Then we can do that victory dance together at the end of the year!

We pride ourselves on providing our clients with top-notch digital marketing services that help them achieve their business goals. But we don’t stop there. We also use these same strategies to grow our own business.

At Five by Five, we build great-looking, high-performing websites, and are known as one of the Gold Coast & Australia’s leading WordPress web design & SEO agencies. We have 16+ years of experience in the web design industry. If you or your business need a new, high-performing digital solution, then contact us today and find out why we have 200+ 5* Google reviews. 

Check out a snippet below!

Our Digital Marketing theme for the year

Digital marketing is like soccer analogy

This year we want to keep working smarter, not harder. This means using tools and techniques to get the best possible results. 

Our general theme for the year is Leverage! ⬆️

We need to leverage the fact that:

  • Speed of execution is the key to success in today’s market
  • Businesses taking their message quickly to the market will have first-mover advantages
  • AI tools are game changers for digital marketing

Sales Generated in 2022

Break down of revenue graph

Last year was a busy one. We completed 50 projects with a full-service offer beyond website creation to solutions that include writing copy, strategising and asset creation such as branding, photography and videos.

  • 41% of client work was sourced from SEO organic traffic due to our high-performing website
  • 32% came from referrals and partnerships
  • 15% was generated through paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • 5 % of clients were acquired via social media campaigns
  • 7 % came from display ads on Google Ads & social media platforms

This reinforces the analogy that increasingly a successful digital marketing strategy plays out like a soccer game, where each marketing platform has a position to play on the field and an objective they are best at delivering.

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All players must be on the field in flow and working together to become the winning team.

Even though the goal scorer often gets all the glory, an entire team passes the ball down the field, all whilst defending against the competition.


The image above (from the Google Analytics conversions section) is a great example of how the power of combining paid and organic search for lead generation can play out.

You can clearly spot a pattern that illustrates how each marketing channel drives successful outcomes – like players coming together to score a goal in soccer.

Developing a Digital Marketing Plan for 2023

As we advance into the year, our digital marketing plan for the year is to keep implementing what works consistently – simple.

Last year we started treating ourselves as we would treat any of our external clients. This came about due to a mindset shift that led to a remarkable business shift, and we’ve seen excellent results on the back of it.

We’ll also continue to focus on customer retention as a crucial business driver, where we focus on providing excellent service and ensuring customer satisfaction, which can lead to long-term customer loyalty and repeat business.

We also plan to acquire one new client a week and will work backwards to ensure we take the appropriate actions to meet our goals.

AI tools in Digital Marketing - How we can apply them in our business to help speed things up for us.

Chat GPT (launched in November 2022) and other AI tools are game-changers! They’ll no doubt have far-reaching implications for businesses, especially when it comes to digital marketing.

ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI. It is currently available in a research preview phase, which means it is free to use and open for experimentation and testing.

Seeing that everything is speeding up at a frantic pace, this tool came just in time and can help us all deliver results and solutions quicker.

Because of its popularity, there may be some variability in response speed and availability. Still, it can generally provide quick and accurate responses to a wide range of natural language inputs.

We’ve started using it for the following:

  • Marketing (idea generation)
  • SEO team (title tags and meta descriptions)
  • Customer service (responding to emails)
  • HR & recruitment (position descriptions)

Marketing (idea generation)

We use Chat GPT to get ideas flowing. It can generate quick content ideas, such as blog posts, social media updates, and email campaigns. 

Our latest video shows a practical example of how you can input simple instructions and sit back as it creates content for you. Watch the video here.

When using ChatGPT for content:

  • You must be as specific as possible when you give instructions about what you want it to create, including things like your preferred writing style, tone of voice and the language (Australian English)
  • The average blog post should contain 500-1000 words with a clear Call to Action.
  • Using ChatGPT without making extra modifications can have negative effects on Google SEO.
  • The blog post should not be copied and pasted into a website. Instead, use 40-50% of the content and add your ideas, facts and commentary.
  • You can also create FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) from long articles, which help summarise key points.
  • Writing catchy headlines will help draw readers in too!

SEO team (title tags and meta descriptions)

ChatGPT helps speed up our process of generating meta-descriptions for blog posts we upload to websites.

You need title tags and meta descriptions to make it easier for people to find your content in search engines. A meta description is a summary of what your post or page is about. This can help make monotonous, repeatable tasks more efficient.

Customer service (responding to emails)

We use ChatGPT to simplify and streamline our customer service by using it to respond to emails.

These accurate and concise emails can be created quickly and help improve the overall customer support experience.

HR & Recruitment (position descriptions)

We’re using ChatGPT to help us write better descriptions for the positions we need to fill and the jobs we are hiring for. It’s helped us identify the key characteristics and attributes we need for each role and allows us to attract top talent.

Because of Google’s dominant position in the search world, they won’t allow AI tools to undermine their page rank and indexing process. They’re bound to release some form of update or enhancement as a response, as it will be in their interest to prevent AI-only generated content.

It won’t take long before we see these changes, and we will keep our eyes on this space and make the necessary adjustments in the quickest way possible to leverage it for maximum advantage and to stay ahead of the curve.

Our main goal is always to provide value for you – our customer, so if you need help with your digital marketing strategy or would like more information about ChatGPT, please don’t hesitate to contact us – we’re here to help!

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